Male Pattern Baldness - Propecia

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Breakthrough advancements in hair restoration may mean bye bye baldness in 5 years time. German scientists at Berlin Technical University have used stem cells (the body's main cells) to make the first ever artificial hair follicles. The follicles created were made of animal cells but the team are confident that they will succeed in growing human hairs from stem cells within a 12 month period. Preparations for clinical trials have commenced.

These stem cells can be grown into any type of body tissue or organ and in five years; those who suffer from baldness will have the ability to grow hair using their own stem cells. The hairs will then be implanted into the scalp's bald areas. It is estimated that the procedure will take five to ten hours to complete and even at that it will need to be repeated again and again in order to produce the desired effect.

In the meantime, propecia (finasteride) is a very popular and very effective treatment for male pattern baldness (the most common type of hair loss). Propecia has a huge success rate and men who take it often find that the treatment results in the prevention of further hair loss and in many cases a regrowth of hair. It is said that the earlier the treatment commences, the better the results.

Women are turning to advanced laser therapy in order to restore their locks. An 84% success rate has been reported and results are said to be apparent within 3 months in most cases.

The treatment involves the massaging and heating of the scalp thus expanding the pores to increase blood flow to the hair follicles. It may seem like a drastic measure to go this length for hair loss but baldness and the loss of hair can affect men and women in very extreme ways and can impact upon their confidence, relationships and careers.

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Vitamins For Hair Loss In Women: What Works For Thinning Hair

Thursday, 13 January 2011

When hair begins thinning, diet may be the culprit. Nutritional deficiencies and poor diet contribute to hair loss in women. Consuming a greater amount of the vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair is essential in preventing hair loss. Taking specific vitamins for hair loss can make a dramatic difference in the thickness and texture of hair.

One of the most important minerals for healthy hair is zinc. This mineral works with proteins to stimulate hair, skin and nails. A zinc deficiency can cause hair to stop growing and even fall out. Zinc also helps maintain a healthy scalp.

Zinc deficiency is a common problem for many. Women often do not get enough zinc in their diet, and this is compounded by the fact that zinc is easily lost during the cooking process. Symptoms of deficiency include white spots under the nails, night blindness, and skin allergies and sensitivities.

To combat a zinc deficiency, eat foods that naturally contain large amounts of the mineral such as egg yolks, fish, meat, poultry products, pork and nuts. Vegetarians have a higher risk of experiencing hair loss since they do not get a large amount of zinc in their diet. Zinc supplements can also help fight off a deficiency. The daily recommended intake for zinc is 50 to 100 mg.

Vitamin B is one of the most valuable vitamins for lustrous hair. There are many vitamins grouped under the B vitamin family, and they all contribute directly to hair health. Like zinc, biotin, which is found in rich foods like liver and cheese, supports the body's protein production and assists in creating and maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair. Biotin supplements can be a good alternative for those who want to avoid eating rich foods.

Other important B vitamins are vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin B1. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, gives hair shine and volume. Eating a diet rich in B vitamins and taking a B-complex supplement make it easier to receive all the benefits for hair loss.

Vitamin C is also essential to hair health. This vitamin is well known for its antioxidant effects, but it's also key in developing healthy collagen, which contributes to strong hair strands. Vitamin C can easily be added to a diet with citrus fruits such as pineapples, oranges and kiwi. Vitamin C supplements are available on their own or packaged into a multivitamin.

Women who are alarmed by hair loss or thinning hair need to take a closer look at their diet. Those who are unable to get the necessary vitamins and minerals naturally can get them in the form of oral vitamins. There are many vitamins for hair loss that can create thicker hair and reverse hair loss. Healthy hair starts from the inside out.

Tag : hair loss,hair loss product,hair loss treatment,hair care

Hair Loss Causes And Treatment And Vitamins For Hair Growth

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Hair loss is a normal process that involves loss of around 50 to 100 scalp hairs everyday. When hair loss starts exceeding this limit then you should start worrying about that hair loss. Baldness is a condition that results when the hair regeneration is, at an extremely slow rate compared to the hair loss rate.

Hair loss is caused by many reasons most of the time the reason is Androgenetic Alopecia also known as Male or female pattern hair loss. Telogen Effluvium is the type of hair loss that is caused from stress. The stress causes the hair in the resting phase to fall out without providing any replacement of the hair, thus resulting in baldness.

Vitamins for Hair Loss

It is already known that vitamins are vital for the health of a human being but it is a lesser known truth that regular consumption of vitamins can actually put a stop to hair loss and even encourages hair development.

The vitamins help by blocking up further production of di-hydro testosterone (DHT). The vitamins are known to mend the exhausted follicles and support the hair growth. The vitamins are also helpful in nutrifying and curing the scalp.

There can be several reasons for loss of hair including prolonged illness, hereditary conditions, tension and hormonal instabilities. Earlier hair loss was often linked with adulthood but these days changes in way of life caused people losing hair ahead of time. It is possible that the hair is not getting sufficient nutrients and is hugely lacking in vital hair growth vitamins. The majority of the problems arise from shortage of nutrition. A balanced diet rich in necessary hair loss vitamins helps in healthy hair growth.

Here are some essential vitals for hair loss:

1. Inositol: It is belonged to vitamin B group. It is a chemical, which is essential for the healthy muscles, kidney, liver, hair and the brain. When Inositol is present in the diet of an individual, it is shown to have notable effects and it helps in controlling hair loss and preventing phalacrosis.

2. Vitamin C: This is one of the most significant hair loss vitamins. Consuming Vitamin C on a regular basis enhances circulation of blood in the scalp and also guarantees that hair follicles get proper supply of rich nutrients.

Hair Loss Treatment

The treatments that occupy hair gain or the treatment for hair loss, in other words, are hair supplement (vitamins, proteins and so on), hair medication (the last resort to hair gain, arranged by a reliable and a good dermatologist/tricologist), hair massages that help in hair nurturing and hair tonics (like the Indian Shahnaz Hussain herbal tonic called Shatone for hair enlargement and vitality) and hair treatments at renowned and recognized hair salons, spas, centres and spa clinics as well.

Hair loss treatment via synthetic pills such as Propecia can lead to serious side effects like impotence, weakened libido, and decrease amount of semen production. Hair stand-in procedures can also go terribly wrong and you may end with an ugly scrap on your head and it can be painful too.

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Tag : hair loss,hair loss causes,hair loss treatment,hair growth

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