No More Hair Loss!

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Today millions of men are suffering from male pattern baldness. It is a very serious problem if you are suffering hair loss problem, it lowers your self esteem as well as self confidence. There are many possible causes and factors as to why people experience hair loss. Poor diet, illness, stress are few of the possible causes.

Health care provoiders have been trying out discover some sure shot solution to get rid of hair loss. In market, there are hundreds of products that assist you to prevent hair loss in some way. One of the popular treatments worth considering is Propecia. Propecia Fiansteride has helped millions of people to cure premature baldness effectively. Propecia is FDA approved prescription drug available in the form of pill.

Hormones plays important role in male pattern baldness. Testosterone can be converted to dehydrotestosterone (DHT) with the help of enzymes type II 5 - alpha reductase. DHT shrinks hair follicles, as a result when a hair falls, it is not replaced. Propecia works by inhibiting action of 5 – alpha reductase thereby preventing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Proprcia has proven to be effective in 9 out of 10. Apart from hair loss controll, Propecia has also helped in re – growth stimulation in some cases. You need patience, as Propecia fiansteride generally takes 3 to 6 months to show its effects.

As with any drug, there are possible side effects of Propecia. Some of the common side effects of Proprcia are loss of sexual desire, impotence. It is adviasble to consult with doctor to discuss any possible side effects. Most of the time these side effects are temprory and exists till the body gets used to the medicine. The treamtent is effective only for as long as the treatment is continued. As soon as the treatment is stopped, the hair maintained or gained will be lost in the period of 9 to 12 months. Propecia Fiansteride is not recommended for women and children. Women who are or likely to get pregnant should not come in contact with crushed or broken Propecia, it can cause birth defects in unborn babies. Men allergic to Finasteride should not take Propecia.If you forget to take Propecia on time, do not overdose yourself. It can be harmful for your health.

Propecia manufactured by Merck & Co. is available in 1mg dosage and should be taken once a day. Propecia is a prescription medicine, therefore consultation is necessary before buying Propecia Finasteride. Propecia is also available online on prescription. Most of the sites also provide free consultation before ordering it online. As there are chances of getting fake Propecia, it is recommended you to buy Propecia from approved online source. Fake Propecia can prove to be hazardous. Some of the sites provide online consultation from registered doctors free of cost. Most of them also provide free next day delivery. Start taking positive action today and you will be amazed just how things can be improved and changed.

By: amber1

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