Hair Loss And Hair Growth Myths – Part 2

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Summary : In the first part we have mentioned seven important hair loss and hair growth myths. In this part we will mention ten more myths.

8. The myth - Some ethnic groups are less prone to experience hair loss.

The truth – no scientific research has proven it. Although, it seems that Asian people have less hair loss problems than westerns.

9. The myth – only men experience hair loss

The truth – male pattern baldness is more common. Yet, a lot of women suffer from thinning hair and hair loss.

10. The myth – women who blow dry their hair have a higher chance to suffer form thinning hair or massive hair loss.

The truth – blow drying may damage the hair but can not cause hair loss.

11. The myth - excessive shampooing causes hair loss.

The truth - excessive shampooing may damage your hair using the wrong shampoo, but it can not cause hair loss.

12. The myth – Hair loss can only happen after you turn 50.

The truth – Hair loss can happen at any age depends on medical conditions and your genes. However, the chance to experience hair loss grows as you grow older.

13. The myth – Rubbing curry over the scalp may stop hair loss.

The truth – Curry will only cause your hair to smell bad, It will have no effect on hair loss.

14. The myth – Scalp massage prevents hair loss.

The truth – Scalp massage has many benefits but stopping hair loss is not one of them.

15. The myth – People who do not suffer from hair loss have no shedding of hair at all.

The truth – Everyone looses hair. Average hair loss is about 40 hairs a day.

16. The myth – excessive sex activity prevents hair loss.

The truth – Unfortunately, there is nothing between sex and hair loss.

We suggest you use only proven and well known hair loss treatments to stop hair loss and regrow hair. Good luck.

Tag : hair loss,hair growth myths,regrow hair,hair loss treatment,hairstyles


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