Vitamins are mysterious types of things. We only really notice when they aren’t there but teachers, Doctors and the rest of the medical profession are always telling us how important they are. Add to this the commercial interest selling us supplements then it is no wonder that people can get confused. The evidence for particular hair vitamins involved in hair loss can also be rather confusing.
We all need to have the correct level of vitamins in our body in order that it works correctly. They help the cells of the body to manufacture important substances that are essential for metabolism. If levels fall then this may lead to certain chemical reactions in the body either not taking place or reducing in their output. This is then called a deficiency condition and is often identified by the outward signs shown by the body. These signs are very particular to the type involved.
The first deficiency disease identified was scurvy. Scurvy describes the signs of the deficiency of vitamin C and involves bleeding gums and teeth falling out. All this is caused because C is needed to produce connective tissue that holds the gums and teeth together. People get scurvy because they don’t have enough C in their diet. Most vitamins are provided in the diet and as a result this is another reason for people making sure that their diet is balanced.
The evidence for particular ones being involved in hair loss is difficult to quantify and we only have animal research and the signs shown by people suffering deficiencies to go on. Vitamin B is made up of a group of substances and is sometimes referred to as a complex. They are important for many metabolic reactions. As hair involves the manufacture of the protein keratin it is not surprising that the B complex is needed. Inositol is one of the parts of the B complex. It has been shown in animals and humans to cause hair loss and eczema when levels in the body are low. There is some evidence that males may require slightly more Inositol than females. Biotin is another component of the B complex and once again its deficiency causes hair loss. The Pantothenoic acid part of the B complex has been shown to cause hair follicles to degenerate in animals.
Lack of A can cause rough hair and dry skin and is therefore associated with the general health of hair and hair follicles. E is associated with the aging process but is manufactured by bacteria in the gut and as a result deficiencies are rare.
There is also some evidence for the over dose of some vitamins in causing hair loss problems. An example of this is A where, if taken in large amounts hair loss can result. Stopping taking the A will reverse the situation and the hair starts to grow again. In general there hasn’t been much research in the results of taking too many supplements.
You should make sure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of all of them but in particular C, A, B6, B12 and Folic acid. It is quite easy to do this if you are maintaining the standard balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and protein sources such as meat. The time to worry is if you are not eating one of these basic units for example fruits or vegetables. In this case you might need to consider supplements in the form of tablets. Anyone on a balanced diet doesn’t need to have supplements as all the extra will be wasted anyway. In some cases taking too many supplements can cause overdose and this should be avoided too. If your diet provides you with sufficient amounts of vitamins then taking a supplement is a waste of time and money and could cause further problems.
We all need to have the correct level of vitamins in our body in order that it works correctly. They help the cells of the body to manufacture important substances that are essential for metabolism. If levels fall then this may lead to certain chemical reactions in the body either not taking place or reducing in their output. This is then called a deficiency condition and is often identified by the outward signs shown by the body. These signs are very particular to the type involved.
The first deficiency disease identified was scurvy. Scurvy describes the signs of the deficiency of vitamin C and involves bleeding gums and teeth falling out. All this is caused because C is needed to produce connective tissue that holds the gums and teeth together. People get scurvy because they don’t have enough C in their diet. Most vitamins are provided in the diet and as a result this is another reason for people making sure that their diet is balanced.
The evidence for particular ones being involved in hair loss is difficult to quantify and we only have animal research and the signs shown by people suffering deficiencies to go on. Vitamin B is made up of a group of substances and is sometimes referred to as a complex. They are important for many metabolic reactions. As hair involves the manufacture of the protein keratin it is not surprising that the B complex is needed. Inositol is one of the parts of the B complex. It has been shown in animals and humans to cause hair loss and eczema when levels in the body are low. There is some evidence that males may require slightly more Inositol than females. Biotin is another component of the B complex and once again its deficiency causes hair loss. The Pantothenoic acid part of the B complex has been shown to cause hair follicles to degenerate in animals.
Lack of A can cause rough hair and dry skin and is therefore associated with the general health of hair and hair follicles. E is associated with the aging process but is manufactured by bacteria in the gut and as a result deficiencies are rare.
There is also some evidence for the over dose of some vitamins in causing hair loss problems. An example of this is A where, if taken in large amounts hair loss can result. Stopping taking the A will reverse the situation and the hair starts to grow again. In general there hasn’t been much research in the results of taking too many supplements.
You should make sure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of all of them but in particular C, A, B6, B12 and Folic acid. It is quite easy to do this if you are maintaining the standard balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and protein sources such as meat. The time to worry is if you are not eating one of these basic units for example fruits or vegetables. In this case you might need to consider supplements in the form of tablets. Anyone on a balanced diet doesn’t need to have supplements as all the extra will be wasted anyway. In some cases taking too many supplements can cause overdose and this should be avoided too. If your diet provides you with sufficient amounts of vitamins then taking a supplement is a waste of time and money and could cause further problems.
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