Laser Hair Restoration and the Production of New Hair

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Laser hair restoration involves a selection of procedures that all use laser light to stimulate the existing hair follicles to become serviceable again after going into their resting phase. The Laser Luce LDS 100 is one example of this type of application that has provided some good data in clinical tests. Some of these trials have been done on a clinical basis using controls involving comparisons with placebo treatments. Most trials use a six month baseline to examine their effectiveness. The LDS tests have results of treatments extending up to 1 year.

Laser hair restoration procedures all utilise low level power lasers at particular wavelengths of light. It is the frequency or wavelength that gives the specifics of each treatment. Laser Luceuses laser light in the Infra red area of light frequencies. The power is important in terms of the laser light also. Higher power lasers are used in industry to slice materials such as steel panels. It is important to understand that the laser light in such hair treatment apparatus is of such a small power that it will not even burn the skin let alone cut into it.

The laser light in the Laser Luce procedure actions by stimulating the skin cells in the scalp and especially those that make up the hair follicles. At thecell level it has been shown that respiration is promoted making the cells more active. Cell membranes get more responsive in the transfer of substances across them. The production of proteins is stimulated at the DNA level and metabolic activity is promoted. The increased movement across membranes seems to allow these conditions to be communicated from one area to another. At the tissue level all this new activity stimulates the spread of the blood capillary system connecting the scalp cells. The net product of all this greater activity is that the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles is greatly improved. It is thought that this can cause hair follicles, which have started to die away, to reawaken and begin to make healthy hair once again. Hair manufacture is therefore stimulated and there should be an increase in the level of hair and the general thickness. Continued treatment can maintain the hair growth that has been made.

For the patient the procedure couldn't be easier. It means sitting under a device shaped like a dome. The lining of the dome is covered in special diodes that produce the laser light. These flash regularly illuminating the skin with the laser light. The scalp absorbs the light, which stimulates the hair follicles. During the treatment there is no pain and the patient can study a news paper to pass the time. At the end of the session the patient doesn't have to recover and can go home straight away.

Clinical trials have to establish if new hair has been produced and that the treatment being tested is responsible for the results seen. The use of clients taking a placebo treatment is the method used to make sure that the laser procedure is the causative agent. These clients use the same treatment but no LDS 100 is actually used. Hair counts, before and after photographs and patient self assessment are methods used to establish the extent of hair regrowth. Results from recent tests have shown that LDS 100 hair counts were greater over a 6 month period and that these results were maintained over the following 6 month term. In contrast, those using the placebo made sure the natural loss of hair that one would expect. The results of photographic evidence show that the peak of hair restoration takes placebetween 6 and 12 months of treatment.

Laser hair restoration using the Laser Luce treatment gives a painless way for men and women to regrow hair that has been lost. The results of tests have shown that the laser light not only promotes new hair but then procedes to maintain it by giving the best conditions for the hair follicles to survive.


by Templates para novo blogger 2007